
Singing Games for Parachute Play

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Singing Games for Parachute Play


Build excitement in your programs through engaging games that bring everyone together. Parachute play is the perfect team activity, allowing children to participate in an inclusive circle, watching the contagious smiles and laughter around the bright and colorful fabric. These singing games are a wonderful motivator and also work well as brain-break activities to get children active and expending some energy.

This e-book includes 35 original and traditional songs, written or adapted specifically for parachute play! You’ll quickly build a much-loved repertoire of group games with this fun-filled collection that brings together the magic of parachute play and the fun of singing games. The easy-to-teach songs and games promote hands-on learning, movement, singing, and social interaction and will have your children begging to play them over and over again.

A fantastic resource for children’s music programs, summer camp activities, birthday parties, special events, gym / sports programs, early childhood centers, schools, scouting groups and other children’s programs.

The e-book includes:

- introductory activities to teach basic principles of parachute games

- fast-paced games full of energy expending fun

- slower relaxing games that calm

- quick and simple games that are useful for focusing children's attention

- longer games that draw children in to play

- games that promote social interaction and social skills

- games that promote language skills

- games that aid musical development and singing skills

- a selection of games for young children

The book also includes:

- sheet music for every song;

- demo recordings for those who wish to learn the songs by listening;

- clear instructions for the parachute games;

- helpful hints and tips.

Most of the songs in this book appeal to a wide age range. Older children are usually

happy to sing even the simpler children’s songs when there is a parachute game involved. Many of the game directions include a variation that simplifies the play for younger children.

Songs include: Waiting for the Parachute, Vocal Exercises, Shake It!, Elevator, Elevator, Draw Me a Bucket of Water, Cut the Cake, Rainy Weather, Ostrich Song, Here Sits a Dragon, Creep, Mouse, Creep, Floating Down the River, It Rained on Anne, Haul Away Joe, Bed Bugs, Old Brass Wagon, Little Boy Blue, Elephant Jump, Red or Yellow, Green or Blue, Volcano Song, Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree, Jelly on a Plate, Andy Pandy, Sugar and Candy, Birthdays, Wishy Washy, Little Wheel A-Turnin', Crocodile's Stew, Spaceship Parachute, Allee Galloo Gallee, Ring a Rosie, Round the Garden, Parachute Goes Up, Let's Make a Mountain, Easy Peasy, Round the Village, Here is the Beehive.

Singing games, while short and simple in their structure, have a powerful ability to draw children into an activity. They provide a means of ensuring a fair turn for each participant as the song is in itself a ‘timer’. A simple song can provide the framework to a game, keep everyone involved and focused, give direction and add to the cheerful atmosphere of play.

A fantastic component of singing games and parachute play is that they are both very inclusive. The parachute creates an instant circle, allowing everyone to feel a part of the group and encouraging eye contact and interaction between all participants.

In this book you will find many favorite traditional songs and singing games that have

been adapted for use as parachute games, along with some new original songs specifically written as a resource for parachute play. The songs are short and simple so children can easily sing along and so the games can be repeated multiple times, allowing everyone a turn at the activity.

The demo recordings provide an easy way to learn the songs for those not familiar with written music. It is not intended to be used as an accompaniment to the games, but merely a learning aid for leaders. As in the tradition of centuries of singing games, the participants own voices should provide the musical accompaniment. This is an important element in the community nature of these games.

Put a BUZZ in your program today with Singing Games for Parachute Play!

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Music activities for children, active games and brain breaks, children's songs, games and activities for music class, early childhood music education, elementary music education, summer camp games.

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35 Singing Games for Parachute Play

65 Pages
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